Fun With Search Engine Optimization in the Fashion Blog World

SEO, Search Engine Optimization or Syrupy Eggs Only. Your choice.

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When running a blog you want to have your blog be the first to show up on search results. When searching topics that pertain to your blog, having your site show up organically in the results can happen with just a few steps.

Google Keyword Planner. AKA your best friend

Using Google Keyword Planner allows you to see how often specific words, phrases and topics are searched. With this you can decide what to write throughout your blog to get it to show up on the first page of search results. Keywords are incorporated into the URL, title tags, header tags, and content.

Pertaining to my first post about fanny packs, I searched the keyword “fanny pack” in Google Keyword Planner. This keyword is a highly searched term, even when the location was set to Albany, New York, “fanny pack” is searched, on average, 100k-1M times a month. I then set the keyword to “trending fanny packs” which only has an average monthly search rate of 10-100. The keywords with more search results are great for larger websites, but as a small blog narrowing down my keywords to ones with smaller search rate is the best idea.


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Chosen your keywords? Lets get down to business.Audrey Hepburn, Business

Relevancy is absolutely necessary and to become and stay relevant on the internet you have to do your work. Take those keywords that you have chosen and place then in the most important areas of your blog, starting with your URL. With our URL, the keyword “trend” is right there. This is also important when creating other pages. These pages all have unique URLs so using keywords is important. If you search the word “autumn” in Google the first webpage the pops up is, and right there in the URL is the keyword word “Autumn”.

Okay ladies, our URL is complete lets tackle the next area of business. Title Tags show up at the top of your browser when you go to a page. The title tag for teaontrend is “spilling the tea on the latest trends with T”. With this SEO results are buzzing.

Next up we have header tags. This area receive a lot of weight in relation to relevance. quakingHeader tags should hold keywords because it is the biggest and most important location on your sit. Search Engine Optimization results are QUAKING.

Another place to use these absolutely KEY keywords might just seem a bit obvious, but like duh, your content! Here is where it may get tricky, you need to use enough keywords here for search engines to obtain enough information. SEOs code up all the words in your content to determine what your webpage is about. So don’t skimp on the amount of times you use your key word as long as it make sense. Once you start dropping the keyword at every other word, Google will think your spamming. There we have it ladies, SEO results rising by the minute.

Alt Text is next, and I don’t know if you’re ready for it. Did you know search engines cannot actually see your images? If you do not add an alt text to your image it will not show up in a search! Adding a label or tag, known as alternate text or alt text, to an imagine allows a search engine to “see” the image. Using keywords in your alt text helps the search engine understand the content of the page, and once again your SEO results are on fire.

Finally we have come to Anchor Text. Anchor Text is the text that appears highlighted in a hypertext link on a site that leads to a targeted webpage. When linking pages, using keywords as the text will match the page an SEO is trying to rank on.

Search Engines don’t know what hit them, your results are OFF THE CHAIN.Related image

Go check out my Professor’s blog for even more Digital Marketing information here! If you want even more from us, head over to Tea On Trend’s Facebook page for updates, links, and additional content (because who can get enough of this, right?).